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What we believe 



We Believe in the triune, the one and only living God of all creation. Separated into three different beings: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Though the same, each hold different and special aspects to the plan of salvation.



We believe salvation is the free gift of God and man is justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Through the repentance of our sins we are born again a new creature by the Spirit. Through Christ's death, burial, and resurrection ,as defined in 1 Corinthians 15, and kept as His children for eternity. 


Spiritual Gifts

We believe, by the Holy Spirits influence, that God grants us abilities and gifts to edify and lift up Jesus Christ. Granted only from Him and by Him. 



The Bible is the inspired Word of God. The ultimate and infallible authority without blemish or error.

2 Timothy 3:16 

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,"



Baptism is by water immersion to show a public response to salvation and an outward display of obedience to Jesus Christ bringing us from death to eternal life.

We exist for one purpose, SIMPLY JESUS!

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